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Ecoship joins UN High Level Political Forum on SDGs in New York

In recognition that youth have a critical role to play in helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Ecoship Project, Peace Boat and the Dutch Youth Council held a joint side event at the UN High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. The title was “Empowering Youth Through Partnerships.”

The event was held on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, and focused on youth partnerships and responsibility toward the implementation of the SDGs.

Peace Boat US Director Emilie McGlone gave an overview of Peace Boat’s Global Voyages, which are organized 3-4 times annually and have high youth involvement. The voyages help to support and strengthen local initiatives for peace and sustainability within the holistic framework of the SDGs.

A presentation about Ecoship project was one of the highlights of the event. Currently under development, the ship will sail as a flagship for climate action and a messenger for raising awareness of the SDGs in nearly 100 countries a year.

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