Peace Boat returns to New York City
Peace Boat, the world’s largest passenger ship sailing around the world for peace, sustainability and innovation, will visit New York City on October 29-30 (Monday-Tuesday), 2018. This visit will take place as part of Peace Boat’s 99th Global Voyage for Peace, which departed from Japan on September 1 with 1200 participants onboard, and is traveling to 23 countries over 3 months.
During the two-day stay in New York City, a variety of events will be held including:
The Hibakusha Project: Testimonies from Hiroshima
Student-organized Public Event:
October 29, from 5-9 pm at Rutgers University, Paul Robeson Campus Center
RSVP here.
Building Momentum for the Entry into Force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: featuring survivors from the Hiroshima atomic bombing
Side event to the United Nations First Committee on Disarmament and International Security, co-sponsored by the Permanent Missions of Austria and Mexico to the UN:
October 30, 1:15-2:30 pm at United Nations Headquarters Conference Room 8.
More information here.
Note: A UN Grounds Pass is required for this event. Please contact for more information or request to participate by Oct 26.
Global Partnerships for the UN SDGs and Actions for the 2030 Agenda:
An invitation-only event with partners from the United Nations and other key stakeholders October 30 afternoon, onboard Peace Boat (inquire for details).