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Ecoship builds on Peace Boat’s 40-year history to amplify our message and become a catalyst for inspiration and change for our participants, our partners in port and for all those around the world who engage with the vessel.

Besides Ecoship’s technology and design, it will embody sustainability efforts through its activities, carrying out a diverse range of programmes around the world in cooperation with a wide range of partners, including NGOs, civil society groups, students groups and volunteer organisations.

As an NGO with Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, Peace Boat is a committed campaigner for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), otherwise known as the Global Goals. These 17 Goals work in the spirit of partnership and pragmatism to make the right choice now to improve life, in a sustainable way, for future generations. Ecoship will be a flagship for the Global Goals, a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

Become a partner

Peace Boat is looking for forward-thinking partners to join our project:

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