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What if we could…

Travel the world as part of a close-knit, diverse and inter-generational community. Engage with communities around the world. Develop a greater understanding of the places we visit and the people we meet. Live, work, learn and play in a comfortable and sustainable way. Learn from the best and most experienced in their field and work collaboratively with other like-minded individuals on projects with a social purpose. What if we could create a space in which all this would be possible…

What if we could build a ship which would leave the world a little better than when we found it.

Over the last 40 years, Peace Boat has been making this vision a reality through chartered vessels which serve as a floating village, neutral meeting space and mobile classroom. The Ecoship project will take this to the next level by building a ship that will minimise environmental impact to an extent that surpasses the current best-in-practice.

In addition, the ship’s design, with its iconic hull, inspired by the humpback whale, and its unmistakable solar panel-covered sail masts, will be a highly visible demonstration of sustainability in action in every port that it visits.

Become a partner

Peace Boat is looking for forward-thinking partners to join our project:

Contact us to discuss how you can support the project
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